Thursday, February 08, 2007

Still tethered

Drs appt went well but I'm still attached to a surgical drain. Ick. BUT, I am cleared for gym! Probably will go in Saturday!!! Oh my goodness -- did I just type that??


Anonymous said...

I just did a spit take...

yogini said...

We are in way too weird territory now. Talking to my mom yesterday, she wanted to know what bra size you wear. I was in a hurry (always) so I did not ask Mom, "why?" But is this like a secret handshake beteen women in the "surgical drain sisterhood?") How good a friend are you supposed to be, that you are expected to know someone's bra size?

Anonymous said...

Is it like holding someone's hair out of the way when they are paying their respects to the porcelain god?

CP said...

Hi Pat,

Chris Palmeri here. Sorry to hear you have to go through this, but glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor. Readers Digest says laughter is the best medicine. And you have to believe what you read in magazines. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
