CHEMO CAN KISS IT!! (Thanks to Beth Rutherford for his fantastic photo of my own personal a**. Honest. This is mine. Really.
Last chemo session yesterday! All done with that crap. I still have six months of another infusion therapy (something every three-ish weeks), but it doesn't take all day and I don't get sick or anything. AND MY HAIR WILL GROW BACK!!
Reconstructive surgery is tentatively scheduled for the end of August. The good news is I'm going to have a great new set. The bad news is that I start on an anti-estrogen oral med in three weeks, so you may not be able to see the cha-chas for the beard. Oh, well. Hooters' parties will be announced.
Yesterday WAS a great day, all in all. Claire was my co-pilot and chemo buddy ALL DAY. We left the house at 7:30 and got home about a quarter to six. She also served as pack mule and gopher and did an outstanding job. I think she was also good luck -- the day went very smoothly, no untoward delays or anything. Chemo was running late but they usually are. But the orders were in and they were right and I got the nurse I like best.
How wonderful it was to have Claire with me, and I'm very grateful to have such a fabulous young woman as my part-time daughter. I always have considered myself lucky that her mother was so generous to share with me, and she continues to be a very bright star in my very full life. Her dad likes her, too.
And today of course I feel ok. A little tired but nothing dreadful yet. That's scheduled for Friday through Sunday, if things run true to form.
Thanks to all of my chemo buddies and cheerleaders for getting me this far. When I think about the possessions I treasure most, #1 on the list is the love of my family and friends.
More later!!
Hurray Congrats at last and so forth!
Good for Claire! Good for you! Good riddance, chemo.
btw: you looked lovely on Saturday. Thank you for not going "blue" with the toast...
Fabulous news!
Cousin Kathi E.
CONGRATS PAT! It's Emily Mir - or Emily Mir Thompson now. Valencia forwarded me your blot and I've been following your voyage for a bit now. I'm thrilled your chemo is over. Your an inspiration to all!
Oh my. I sometimes forget how much we look alike, but I glanced at the picture of your a** and for a moment, thought it was mine!
Claire gets the "good daughter" award AGAIN. Thank you Claire!
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