Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Port Gone!

The port was finally removed on Wednesday, Feb 6. I had taken Advil the day before the original surgery was scheduled the previous week, and they kicked me out of the lineup. So I had to wait. I had it done under a local anesthetic, and I want to advise everyone who ever has to undergo this -- DON'T DO IT THAT WAY.

It's not that it hurt all that much, but it totally creeped me out. I should have been asleep. When she plastered the metal plate onto my thigh and explained that they were "grounding me" so that the cauterizing deal wouldn't electrocute me, I thought, "uh oh." By then it was too late.

I clenched my teeth through it, listened to all of the horrid noises and tugging and snipping and sh*t, and then hopped up off the table and went to work. After that, I started feeling like I sucked in my job and that I wasn't going to be able to manage it, etc. That went on for a couple of days before I realized there might be a connection between having my body invaded and feeling depressed and weird.

So, I took Friday off, sort of. And I was better by Monday.

As of end of January, I am one year cancer-free. Four to go. I stay on arimidex, an oral drug, for five years total. Totally do-able.

Now I have to knock this job out of the park. Back to work!!

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