Started the new gig on Monday. Two days in a very snazzy orientation program where I learned how to get around, where things are on a top-notch intranet, who does what, how to get technology and communications. Today had my first meeting with my two key bosses, the Deloitte regional managing partner, and the head of marketing for our region.
I'm loving the fab building downtown, shown here. Deloitte just moved into floors 36 through 45 before Christmas, so everything is brand new. I'm on 45, totally styling. Anyway, very glad for a new year with a new job. And it's a 2.3 mile commute. More than that, for the first three days, my driver has dropped me off and picked me up; I'll figure out parking next week.
Icing on the cake is the number of people I know from old Andersen days. I don't think I've ever been hugged this much in a new job. Or probably any. But this is fun.
Bulletins as they occur.