Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Next Rule

Ok. Y'all. I've been married 23 years. I know. Many of you lose bets every time the calendar passes 12 October ("A day of great discovery," said McCabe, when he proposed. To which I replied, "Columbus thought he was in India." But never mind.)

So he's been sick for a few days. He isn't sick often. He works out, which keeps viruses and such burned out of your system. (Did you know that?) And he isn't around a lot of people every day, so he doesn't touch doorknobs, elevator buttons, and other surfaces that harbor bacteria (ewww). But he's had a virus, obviously.

Nevertheless, he is now well. Or at least on his way. And he has been in an absolutely filthy mood all day. Why? I DO NOT KNOW. Am I the one who had a SUCKY New Year's Eve? Am I the one who missed going to my favorite place--my brother's house in Helotes? Am I the one whose fifty-f*****g-fifth birthday passed UNNOTICED? Am I the one who starts ANOTHER new goddam job on Monday and is stressed beyond speech?

Yes to all of the above.

So why is HE the one who is all pissy?

I don't know either. But here's the rule.

My next husband is a hologram. That's it. Don't even think about an alternative. I'm done.


Unknown said...

O boy, well I hope your first day went better than the last few. Next year I will make sure not to infect Dad with ebola, and we'll celebrate your bday and New Years with more gusto.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your first day @ work!


Pat Wente said...

Well I certainly blame you. For the ebola part. But don't worry. I'm almost over being mad.

Amy said...

It is not Claire's fault Chuck is pissy.

Anonymous said...

If it's any consolation, I got drunk enough for both of us New Years Eve. And I would not have been any company suitable enough to visit after about 3 a.m. on 01-01. In fact, I was still a little woozy when I called you on your birthday. (I didn't imagine that, did I?)