Friday, January 02, 2009

New Rule

My next book will compile all of my important rules. You know, like "No one can get inside anyone else's marriage." And, "We don't drink at lunch." Important stuff like that.

So here's my new one: "To determine how long it takes to get over a hangover, take your age and divide by 20. Round up. Multiply by 12 and add 5 for each 20 years of age or fraction thereof."

Example: If you are 20, it takes 17 hours to get over a hangover. (20 divided by 20 = 1 x 12 = 12+5). Got it? If you are 60, it's 60 divided by 20, which is three. 3 x 12 = 36 and 36 + 15 = 51, which means you are too old to get bombed, as it takes two days to get over it.

This is Arithmetic, and as the t-shirt says, "I'm an English major. You do the math."


Amy said...

Is "This ain't f***ing Candyland" a rule?

Anonymous said...

Did we miss your first book?

Pat Wente said...

It was privately published. In my mind.

Unknown said...

There is her cookbook, which has a lot of anecdotal humor. I was referencing the essay on pizza last night and laughing out loud.

Anonymous said...

Hangover cure, pick one:
A. Don't start
B. Don't stop

Suzy (drunk in Vegas) said...

This is great information! I was getting worried since I drank a combo of vodka and rum last night. And I'm pretty sure that my greasy spoon omelette will absorb all of the alcohol and it becomes a "wash". Right?