Ok. What do you think of this hair-do? Sort of Paul McCartney, n'est-ce pas?
I've decided to return to suits. Easier to get dressed in the morning. This is a new Ann Klein, very navy and serious. The shawl Claire gave me for Christmas brightens it up and matches the purple suede pumps (also Ann Klein) that you cannot see. I did not, however, remember to shake the dog hair out of the shawl (which I had worn a lot at home during reovery) and so there was a serious problem with the suit once I got to work. Beth de-haired me, bless her.
Dahling, you look maaaaahvelous!!!!!!!!
Thank you dear. I feel like a toad today, but it's better to look good than to feel good.
Looks like the usual Patty without the streaks in her hair. You look great. Now about that toad ...
Oh! My! God!
It's REBA!
Rob M.
Spoken like a true Texas woman. One always has to look fabulous even if one does not feel so fabulous. I like the brunette look as well. Maybe the brunette do for work and the blonde do for play.
Carol G.
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