Friday, May 23, 2008


Please read and enjoy this update from a strong and focused colleague of mine. She undergoes additional surgery next week; she will do great!------------------

I cannot believe that I last wrote you in November! Wow, time has flown and so much has changed, so here goes. …..

I have completed 6 months of somewhat arduous chemotherapy for HER2 biological breast cancer. I have undergone 16 treatments and am so glad it’s FINALLLY OVER (More technical details are outlined below). Some things I have learned:

The term “chemo brain” is true. Without all of your patience, I would be nowhere.

You all are always so supportive during my memory losses and those times when inappropriate words pop out of my mouth.

My countless forgetful retelling of stories, gossip and needless facts.

You have played ‘Guess the Topic’, ‘Guess the End of this Sentence’, sat there ignoring my mishaps or laughing it off with me.

“Mini-T”. My wig, Mini-T, and I get along famously, but have had a few learnings. Might I share some helpful hints:

1. They provide wig tape for a reason. If you choose not use it, then that’s your fault. I chose not to use it, so it is my fault?

2. Rolling down car windows, can make your wig feel the need to take a hike

3. Bending forward can cause unnecessary forward back-wig movement

4. Lying down at the Dr office can cause total wig movement upwards

5. Choose wisely when stepping into windy/gusty weather. Be prepared with how to avoid wind wig removal.

6. If you choose to affront the windy weather, have a plan for how you will inconspicuously hold your wig in place. My first time out, I put an index finger on the top of my head and must have looked like Tinkerbell. I inadvertently met up with my company’s CEO, Steve, whose confusion at my look then led to laughter. I really appreciated his great sense of humor!!!

7. If your wig is sitting too far back on your head, you can look like a conehead from Saturday Night Live…Not a good look, but a lot of fun to ‘scare’ people with.

8. DO NOT, under any circumstances, send pictures of your nicely styled pre-chemo hair without double checking the picture background. I uploaded those pics and sent them to Cheryl, my wigmaker in NY. Only after we were discussing the pics, did I notice my big naked butt in the mirror reflection in one of them. OH MY GOSH!!! What was I thinking!!


Faith G said...

That was hysterical! I have also heard of people opening hot ovens with synthetic wigs on and the heat just makes the hairs shrink up immediately. But thats nothing to a naked glad she is finished- I always thought the her2neu treatment sounded awful.

Pat Wente said...

She's a hoot. And yes, the wig will melt if exposed to heat. I stayed away from the oven the whole time I was be-wigged.

How are you doing? What's the latest? You can e-mail me at You're in my thoughts.

I went to my bookclub last night and everyone exclaimed over my fabulous hair. It is growing like MAD. Still very black and curly.