Friday, February 02, 2007

Home safe

Hi, it's Claire,

Mission accomplished - she's home, she's home! Trying to put herself to sleep with a crossword puzzle in bed..ok, just checked, and it worked!

Anna did such a great job taking care of everything at the hospital, so now Dad and I have to keep up the good service. Dad made some nice meatballs for dinner. Casey is totally behaving himself and guarding her bed. I'm picking up my boyfriend Tim at the airport in a couple hours, and Amy should be arriving tomorrow.

Pam, she loves the flowers and note from you.

Thanks everyone for all the well wishes on the blog!

It's good to have her home.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is awesome! We are sending sweet dream thoughts her way.

Anonymous said...

Great news about being safely home. I'm seconding the sweet dreams with the afternoon sunshine...warm thoughts for Friday at home. Recovery has begun!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are home and doing well. Love being able to keep up with you on your blog and not have to bother you with a phone call. Take care and take advantage of having someone caring for you.
Your cousin
Karen in 10 degree (and getting colder)Illinois

Anonymous said...

Yay, Pat! (If it's the NY Times crossword, Casey might be able to give you a hint.) Love from Margaret and Alice, aka goddaughter extraordinaire.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear you're at home - I'll be in contact over the weekend!

Love ya!

Gerda and the boys!

Anonymous said...

So glad you're home. Gives me free reign to start the smart-$## (is ass a forbidden blog word? Because I'd really hate to offend anyone by posting the word ass on your blog. Just wondering)comments. I just looked at your complete profile and under interests I didn't see working out included in the list. Must have been a complete oversight huh. Do you think MD Anderson will loan you that morphine pump for your return to the gym? Seriously -- can't wait to see you up and around. I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat. If I'd only known--not that I could have done anything but I'm glad to know about your ordeal and I'm so happy you're home and on the mend. Can I just say that I hate cancer? It touches too many wonderful people--Randy and me included! It looks like we're both having to be good with the scary stuff at the same time. Just like your cheerleading efforts for Randy, we're cheering for you and we will all lift a glass to good health soon.

I love you like crazy.


Chainsaw Yogi said...

Wonderful to hear you are doing well, Pat! When you start feeling better, have your keepers give us a call so we can come by to assist/console/admire. That is, if you even decide to let anyone know you are feeling better...

Chainsaw Yogi said...

Wonderful to hear everything went well, Pat. When you begin to feel better, have your keepers let us know when we can come over to assist/console/admire. That is, if you even decide to let anyone know you are better...
